Friday, January 25, 2013

Holy Smokes

Holy Smokes…I am one busy bee!

If I actually stop and think about what all I have going on…
Starting a company (wearing lots and lots of hats).
Taking care of kiddos, dog.
Training for 100 mile race.
Fundraising for race.
Volunteering for charity events.

It’s enough to make anyone want to pull their hair out and say, “Calgone Take me away” J

People ask me how do I do it and still have a smile on my face (well most of the timeJ)?

I start with writing my goals down in areas of family, faith, health and career.  Then, I develop a plan to accomplish the goals and then prioritize each day and FIND A WAY!

If it’s a goal of mine, I find a way to get it done.  Take training for the race.  I have to make sacrifices.  On a business trip, I am up at 4am running some days.  Other nights, when some are winding down with a relaxing glass of wine, I am training.  Of course, I am like anyone else after being on my feet all day at a trade show selling, I want to relax; but, I know to reach my goal…I’ve got to get it done. So I do.

I normally run longer runs back to back on Friday and Saturdays. But, I was having difficulty getting a sitter for my Saturday run so had to shuffle a few things around and get it done on Thursday and Friday.  So, today we had an ice storm.  Could have been an easy excuse to get out of my long run.  The roads and trails were slick.  So, what did I do…found a way to get it done.  Even if it was 23 miles on a treadmill.  Yes, 23 miles at the gym on a treadmill.  But, I got it done.  No excuses.

Same for other areas of my life.  I prioritize and get it done. 

Over the years, I have learned the importance of balance.  I now make sure to schedule time in for relaxation, yoga, etc.  Even if I don’t have time for a yoga class (especially since the mileage has been picking up in my training or if I’m traveling for business), I do some poses at home or in my hotel room.  I am going to make it a goal to get to two classes/week.  It does wonders for my mind and spirit and it certainly helps my muscles stay limber while training.  

I have also learned that I am not going to do everything perfect and I am ok with that.  When I prioritize, I accept that some things are going to have to be on the back burner.  My close friends and family know what some of my "back burners" are.....can anyone say matching socks:-) And that is ok.  I can not do it all.

Same goes for you.  What do you want to accomplish in 2013?
Dream Big, set goals, work hard and watch the magic begin.

I always hear….I don’t have time for this or that.  Whatever the person’s goal is… I don’t have time to work-out; Broken marriage: I’m so busy I don’t have time to go to counseling; career: complaining about the job he/she is in…but never doing anything about it.
Guys and gals…If it is a priority for you and your happiness and well-being depend on it….you are so busy you don’t have time NOT to do these things.

We all have the same time in a day.  We all have 24 hours.  Yet how do some seem to get so much done while others are left wondering where the day has gone?  Acknowledge the distractions in your life.  How much time do you waste on TV, the web, FB, gossiping….there are always things you can cut out.  You can also get up earlier.  It’s amazing what you can do if you just get up 15-30 minutes earlier. Surround yourself with positive people.  Have self discipline, self respect.  And yes, take time to relax.

So, the next time you want to pull your hair out…cause we are human…take a deep breath in…exhale, set your goals, prioritize and try and put that smile onJ

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